To gain allies in refuting the dangerous Social Justice agenda on campus, here’s something you can do in minutes! Print out business card-size teasers that can get people to come to this website. Leave small stacks in the library and other places where students hang out. Hand them out at SJ events. Give them to…

Parents: email chain letter
Parents: Take some action today to help your friends who are as concerned as you are about the leftist indoctrination machine on college campuses! Below is a sample email chain letter. Copy, modify as desired, and send to all of your friends who you think might be interested. (Please respect any anti-spam rules that may…

Students: Email Chain Letter
Students: Do you want to make a cultural change on campus? Are you tired of Leftist Privilege and ready for a campus atmosphere that respects multiple political points of view? Do you think that “Social Justice” is actually injustice? Take some action today! Below is a sample email chain letter. Copy, modify as desired, and…

So, now you have the basic understanding that can allow you to: Avoid the “identity privilege” trap Expose the “implicit racism” hoax Thumb your nose at racial guilt Avoid or confront the campus grievance culture Avoid being brainwashed by activist professors Call out SJWs errors in logic AND MORE! What’s next? First, the most important…